About Me

My photo
West Hollywood, California, United States
Born and raised in New Jersey by my Irish Catholic mother and Jewish father. Oy vey! I have a twin brother and a younger brother. Just moved to Los Angeles after living in Boston for the past 10 years.

27 July, 2011


I don't think I'll be renting any apartments with this sign at the entrance. I'm surprised that people live in these buildings.

Pat through the years....

and the introduction of Scott, Jeremy & Jonathan.

Mother's Day Video from Scott Backman on Vimeo.

26 July, 2011

Is someone trying to tell me something?

In the past week, I have invites to JDate, eHarmony, Christian Mingle and BlackPeopleMeet.com...... Do they know me, or do they know me!!

And this book came in the mail!

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!

So they say..... except when it is with your credit card and social security numbers. Thankfully Bank of America caught it.

Fortunately, since it was caught early it will be easy to rectify and will be taken off my credit report! Now I'm paying $19/month for monitoring!

Shit.... it's always something!

On a lighter note, here is a video for your enjoyment!

Boy, do I feel stupid!

I went to an interview today at Hasbro for a guest host position. They were interviewing a lot of people so I didn’t get my hopes up. Also, since this was for a kids show, that exactly isn’t the demographic that I feel I am appropriate for.

They started with a 30 question “test”. Here are 2 sample questions,

1. At the Battle of Bunker Hill, who commanded the famous order, “Don’t fire until you see the whites of their eyes.”?

2. Which famous model appeared on the first George Magazine wearing a George Washington wig?

I got one of those right..... cut to the chase, I got 10 answers right and then was told by an employee, “We’ll get in touch with you.”

21 July, 2011

On the set with...

Mario Lopez

Where is Lisa Turtle?

Exciting news..... My First Performance

I have my first stand up comedy performance on Sunday, August 7th at 7pm at the Acme Comedy Theater in LA. It will be video recorded so I will post it if anyone wants to see it.

I will try to protect people's innocence by changing the names mentioned.

19 July, 2011

Sounding more like my father everyday...

Jeez, we are here at the Malibu RV Park and boy,.... not to be a cheap skate but they nickel and dime you for everything.  You rent the site for x amount and if you have any more than 2 people, there is an additional fee.  Since I have my car (or a rental while my car is at the body shop), that is additional.  The manager approached my father and said that since he has a motorcycle, that is additional.  WTF, all this stuff fits on the site they are renting.  If you have a dog, that is an additional fee.  

Not being cheap but hell, it would be cheaper (and nicer) to stay at the Ritz.  This is not vacation for me.  Too much work. 

My friends Brandon and James who I stayed with in Santa Monica when I first came out to California are coming over for dinner tonight.  

Stay tuned ...... exciting news tomorrow!!!

Sent from my iPhone

Trailer Park Trash

18 July, 2011

Manic Monday...

Carmageddon is over and to the very surprise they finished early. Wish I could say that for Boston's Big Dig. (is the Big Dig officially done?)

Well, now California has one other hurdle to overcome ..... Bruce and Pat. I am meeting them tonight in Malibu at the Malibu RV Park which I will lose my trailer park virginity. I have never stayed in a trailer before, especially in such close quarters with my parents. It should be fun but I better pick up some Ramona Pinot Grigio.

Yesterday I went to a party at a local watering hole. It was called the Red Dress Party. Before one of the owners of the bar had died of Aids and he his friends to have everyone wear a red dress to his funeral. (I wonder if he got this idea from The Golden Girls when Blanche wore a red dress to Dorothy's brother's funeral) Well, it was fun... Ugly but fun!

Here is Rusty and.... some party goers.

15 July, 2011


The biggest news out here is Carmageddon! They are closing the 405 all weekend to do some construction work on it. What kind of work, I really don't know. Which direction does the 405 run in, I don't really know either. They say that all the work will be completed so it can re-open by Monday morning otherwise they will be fined. Good luck people!

I got my head shots taken this morning. The photographer was really cool and cute. Sarah came along and did my make up (which I'm still wearing) and helped with the clothing options. I brought a bunch of shirts which after taking them out of the garment bag when I got there, realized I only brought white and blue shirts. I should have brought some other solid colored shirts but I figured, the clothes don't make the person, the person makes the clothes. (Maybe I'll believe that after my next glass of wine). Speaking of wine, Mom & Dad should be here on Monday.

I didn't get to visit Shady Pines today as I usually go there on Friday afternoons. I am going tomorrow afternoon after stand-up class which I have to do 5 minutes of stand-up about observational humor. This will be easy.

• LA drivers only use red traffic lights a suggestions
• LA people like to name drop. Even if it doesn't contribute or have anything to do with the current conversation.
• Why do people on Facebook have private conversations on public walls for people to see?
• Why does "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter" have a Facebook page and Twitter account?

While in the car today I realized something....... I kind of like this Britney Spears song on the radio. I must have heard it a bunch of times before but always changed the channel immediately. So my lesson learned this week is that I'm going to listen to songs more than once before I determine if I like them or not. And while I'm doing that, I should really start doing this with people too. Not judging them and putting them into a category before I really get to know them. OK, OK! Let's be realistic now! Let me start with the song thing first and see how that works out!

13 July, 2011

Signed Glossy Anyone?

Hello all, whoever all of you are....

Went to the game show audition for "Secret Fortune" last night with my friend Rusty.  It is currently playing in the UK and they are trying to bring it to the US.  It is a cross between "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire" and "Deal Or No Deal".  The woman hosting the auditions was from NY and picked up on my accent. So, hopefully she'll help a brotha out! She asked us what we would do with the million dollars if we won. Rusty said he would open a non-profit for children and their family's who are only getting by and don't get any sort of extras. I said I would open a rehabilitation  facility that combines my two passions, the elderly and animals. It would rehabilitate the elderly with animals. It is amazing the effect an animal can have on their mood. I saw that with my own grandmother. She would light up if she got her hands on a dog or cat. So, hopefully they will like the our ideas of making the world a better place and choose us. 

Now I'm getting ready for my parent arrival. They are currently in Colorado and I expect them here on Friday or Saturday. The plan is for them to park their trailer in Malibu on the beach and then spend some time in Los Angeles. If all goes well and we are all speaking to each other after these few days, I'll drive up the coast with them and then fly back to LA. I better double up on my Xanax. (just in case)

On Friday morning I'm getting my head shots taken so tomorrow I'm going to go get some new shirts to use for them. I'll probably just leave the tags on them and then return them afterwards.  After all, I am on a fixed income....... And a little Jew-ish. My younger brother Jonathan's girlfriend's sister lives a few blocks away from me. She is going to come and help with clothing options and make up. 

A lot of different things going on. At least it makes me forget about my car. 

Stand by, I find out on Saturday when my first stand-up performance is going to be. Yah!

12 July, 2011

What's up with your colon?

Busy morning taking care of getting my car situated. My whole side of my car got keyed in Dorchester one night a week before I left Boston. I'm trying to get that touched up as well while it's at the body shop.

For my stand up class on Saturday, I have to come up with a 5 minute bit about observational humor. The comic who is famous for this is Jerry Sienfeld. "Don't you hate it when...." or "What's up with that?"

This is going to be easy because I see jackasses all around. Don't you hate it when people slam on their brakes to look at something on the side of the road?! What's up with people thinking you are holding the door open for everyone; I got places to go!

Or, what about those people on the Phillip's Colon Health commercials. Maybe the people from the depression medication commercials should try Colon Health because those people look really happy.

Oye vey!

Now I'm off to an audition for a game show at CBS.

11 July, 2011


Body Work

Happy Monday!!

I was pleasantly surprised to receive a call from the auto body shop this morning which my car was towed to on Saturday. He wanted to get my information and would handle setting up the inspection with my insurance company while setting me up with a rental car. I needed to go down there to sign some papers to initiate the work to be done. My friend Rusty gave me a ride down there after stopping at Starbucks and having my first ever vanilla latte.

This place was jammed packed with wrecks. With all of the drivers in LA, I guess there comes more accidents. Or is it that LA drivers are just really bad! Just sayin'!

Enterprise rental car came and picked up me and Julie, another accident victim. What a nice girl! She's from Texas and lives in Santa Monica. She just got back from Martha's Vineyard last night after being there for a week.

We pulled into the empty Enterprise parking lot. "Where are all the cars?" Julie asked. The driver said, "we are in the process of finding more cars from other offices." Of course, if the auto body shop is packed, that must mean the rental car places are empty. I chimed in, "Are we going to have to wait long?" He responded, "It shouldn't be too long." (I know what that means..... Good thing my phone is charged up!)

About 30 minutes later, I got into a car. The Enterprise worker walked me to the car, got in to check the mileage and gas level. He turns to me, "Well, the car is on empty. Just make sure you return it on empty." I got in and then said to him, "Ummm, the check-engine light is on too." He said, "that is probably due to it not having any gas". I went and got gas but the check-engine light is still on.

I might as well get some body work done this week as well. Massage and a back wax!

09 July, 2011

Always look on the bright side...

After a day like this, it can only go up.

Went to my first day of stand up comedy class this morning. It was a lot of fun, but it was going to be some work. Not like the work for a science or history class obviously but very personal work. I need to figure out what make me stand out from everyone. What is funny about me that is different?

We had to stand up in front of the class which include 9 other students and talk about anything for 5 minutes. I talked about being born as a twin to parents from very different backgrounds. I used the gay card which obviously is the easy way to win it over. After all, my little ponies, rainbow bright and dressing up in Mom's bathing suits is a sure laugh.

After class, I went to the grand opening of a dog day care with my friends Kelly and Rusty. What a crowd! They had drinks and great food. By the way, where is my doggy bag? (I literally mean the doggy gift bag which I was going to send to Ernie in Boston for Brighton.)

It was time to go home. So while driving home bad, stupid, idiotic, awful, horrible driver in front of me slammed on her rental car's brakes to look at someone was being pulled over. (according to her mother in the front seat). So, I barely rear-ended her. However, Ms. Gonzalez (just guessing) said she was just involved in another accident earlier this week. (are you surprised? I should have asked for her "papers") Well, now my car needed to be towed because the windshield washer fluid box was hanging down and rubbing on my tired. WTF!

So, now I have to wait to Monday to figure out what the hell to do with it. Thankfully, a church I am "interviewing" is walkable and only a few blocks away.

In the meantime, my parents are on their way driving to California from New Jersey. I'm guessing they will be here on Tuesday. That is unless they both don't kill each other. (if so, I can understand both of their reasonings.) On a side note, my brothers both told me once when we were younger that if my parents ever got divorced they would always blame it on me. But it's not my fault they got married.

OK, well it has been a good/bad day. But after being a fan of the last 4 months of Oprah, I will look into the positive outcomes of the day to pick things up. Now I get a new scratch free bumper for my car.

08 July, 2011

Joan on the Rocks

Today while spending some time with the Kingsley residents, I met Joan, a lovely 94 year old lady. Joan's looks and personality remind me of my own grandmother a lot. She was born and raised in Los Angeles and use to act and model. I'm always surprised what I'm going to learn about the Kingsley residents. I now know she had a cesarean section with her son Grant. She told me that as a child, the kids would refer to Kingsley manor as the "Funny Farm". "Look where I am now", she then told me.

The rest of Joan's day consisted of taking a nap and then taking a pain pill before dinner; Scotch on the rocks. She's had a "pain pill" every day for the past 50 years.

07 July, 2011

"Horrible Bosses" is a movie I have lived... Or would have it been titled "Horrible Employees"?!

Backman vs. Bacchman...... Discuss.

"Camping" in Santa Barbara

Memorial Day weekend, my friends Chris, Blake & I took a trip up to check out Santa Barbara. It was about a 2 1/2 hour drive up the coast from Los Angeles. Our plan was to drive up and check out the beaches on the way and then find a hotel to stay at in Santa Barbara.

Santa Barbara is beautiful. After walking around and grabbing a late lunch, we then drove around looking for a hotel with a vacancy. Everywhere seemed to be sold out for the night or had a 2-3 night minimum. I used my phone to try and find a place for us to stay but no luck.

Finally, the Sand's Inn had a vacancy... but there was a catch. It was a conference room where they rolled cots in and a TV. It was a section of a much larger conference room where they used removable (not sound proof) walls to create smaller rooms. Luckily, it did have a private bathroom with a shower. The price was right and we took it.

This was as close to camping I ever want to get.

06 July, 2011

Bronies; A New Bromance

As a child, my mother gave my twin brother and I My Little Ponies to play with. As kids, we must of asked my mother to get them for us. But, who knows. I don't think we ever asked for a real pony. (Mom, did we?) Luckily, we grew out of the pony fettish. However, it looks like some still are getting their My Little Pony fix. Welcome, The Bronies!!!


Not Guilty?

I think my brother Jeremy put it best about the verdict of Casey Anthony.

"She was not found to be "innocent". She was "not guilty". It's like don't call someone ugly, just say they're "not pretty". "

Is it me??

A while ago a friend fowarded a funny video to me. However, he forgot to remove the message when it was sent to him. This was the email he recieved along with the video.

Subject: Very funny!

From: Bxxx Cxxx
Date: February 7, 2011 9:21:45 PM EST
To: Axxx Wxxx
Subject: honey badger

i didn't realize scott bachman did nature video commentary...

NOW.... there is another video. (Thanks Matthew!) Maybe I talk that way, but I don't think I sound like it.

Facebook Poll

05 July, 2011

Foot in mouth...

Tonight I went to the taping of G4's Web Soup. As an audience member, they want you to have lots of energy. However there was a woman sitting behind me that was a little over the top. She was very boisterous and full of piss & vinegar and had clearly been to a taping before because she was explaining to another audience member of how many more segments that they were going to be taping.

I got a look of her and she wasn't what I expected. The red lipstick didn't necessarily go with the long, dried out grey hair. Just sayin'

At the end of the taping, the director thanked everyone for coming. I told him what a great time we had. Also mentioning, "The woman behind me has obviously been to a bunch of these tapings before. She was very loud". The director came back with, "She's one of the producers."


Shave and a Haircut

Just got back from getting a haircut and a straight edge shave which I bought through Groupon. I hadn't heard of or seen this barber shop before but it was a good deal.  I walked in and all the barbers where full of tatoos from head to toe. At least from what I saw. The barber next to me was telling a story and then all of a sudden he ripped his shirt off and started yelling dialogue from the story he was telling. Good thing he hadn't been giving a straight edge shave at the time!  

I heard a wide variety of other stories from the barber that was cutting my hair along from the other 5 that were there.  From one guy giving a friend $10,000 to help start his own barber shop and someone meeting an "exotic dancer" with daddy issues who was going to stop by the shop and check it out. Her one concern was that she was going to have sex with all the guys there; however only three would be ok. The story my barber filled me in on while finishing my shave was about another client of his. He belongs and works at a gay bathhouse. He would come into the shop frequently to get his head shaved and would share different experiences from the bathhouse. Apparently he is pretty well known for his fisting abilities.

Looking forward to my next haircut. 

Only in Florida

What a crazy state! Casey Anthony was found not guilty today in the murder case of her young daughter. She is today's OJ Simpson. I'm sure even he though she was guilty.

Should I give it a try? Probably not!

01 July, 2011

Jeremy, Jonathan & Me

Life at Shady Pines

I started volunteering at an assisted living facility in Hollywood.  It is really nice and have all levels of care for it's residents. Some people are recovering from strokes and some are still working.  I help out with different functions they are having.  My first day was serving popcorn at the friends and family BBQ.  I met a wonderful woman, 99 years old and she is a pistol. (pictured with me) 

I also met a nice elderly man.  He told me I could be a jean model because i have a nice rear end.  He use to work in a print marketing which I can only imagine what that was "code" for.   He asked me to bring some pictures of myself the next time I was going to be there because he still knows a lot of people in the business.  Today I was there to help with their ice cream social, he asked in a very determined voice, "Scott, where are the pictures? I have work lined up for you!". I can only imagine what he had in mind with the pictures. 

Identity Crisis

Got an email saying that Rusty & I were requested to come back for another run-through of the new game show, Identity Crisis. This time Craig Ferguson who is going to be the show's host would be there.

Team "Shop & Drink" was back for round 2. There were about 20 CBS people there along with David Arquette. Craig is really funny. He played along with us and had great enthusiasm. This run-through was going to be a little different. Instead of being a half-hour show, it was now going to be an hour. Also, they were going to change the name again to "Celebrity Name Game". (Personally, I think it sounds very generic).

We ran the hour show and unfortunately again, we didn't come out as the winning team.