About Me

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West Hollywood, California, United States
Born and raised in New Jersey by my Irish Catholic mother and Jewish father. Oy vey! I have a twin brother and a younger brother. Just moved to Los Angeles after living in Boston for the past 10 years.

03 September, 2011

It's Already Labor Day Weekend?!

I can't believe it is September already.

Last night I performed at MJ's in Silverlake for their "Thank Gay It's Friday" comedy night. It certainly was a gay old time...... average age there was 45 years old.

Today I'm off to do my first ever flash mob! It's to raise awareness of "National Suicide Prevention Week" for The Trevor Project to the song "Ain't No Mountain High Enough". They sent the YouTube video of the dance to practice but we have rehearsal for 3 hours before the actual attack! (Below is the breakfast of champions I had this morning in preparation for the big event)

My friends Mike & Marco from Dubai are going to be here in LA this weekend so we'll meet up tomorrow afternoon. Looking forward to seeing some familiar faces!

Have a great and safe Labor Day weekend.

Thinking of you Aunt Ev! 

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