About Me

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West Hollywood, California, United States
Born and raised in New Jersey by my Irish Catholic mother and Jewish father. Oy vey! I have a twin brother and a younger brother. Just moved to Los Angeles after living in Boston for the past 10 years.

09 July, 2011

Always look on the bright side...

After a day like this, it can only go up.

Went to my first day of stand up comedy class this morning. It was a lot of fun, but it was going to be some work. Not like the work for a science or history class obviously but very personal work. I need to figure out what make me stand out from everyone. What is funny about me that is different?

We had to stand up in front of the class which include 9 other students and talk about anything for 5 minutes. I talked about being born as a twin to parents from very different backgrounds. I used the gay card which obviously is the easy way to win it over. After all, my little ponies, rainbow bright and dressing up in Mom's bathing suits is a sure laugh.

After class, I went to the grand opening of a dog day care with my friends Kelly and Rusty. What a crowd! They had drinks and great food. By the way, where is my doggy bag? (I literally mean the doggy gift bag which I was going to send to Ernie in Boston for Brighton.)

It was time to go home. So while driving home bad, stupid, idiotic, awful, horrible driver in front of me slammed on her rental car's brakes to look at someone was being pulled over. (according to her mother in the front seat). So, I barely rear-ended her. However, Ms. Gonzalez (just guessing) said she was just involved in another accident earlier this week. (are you surprised? I should have asked for her "papers") Well, now my car needed to be towed because the windshield washer fluid box was hanging down and rubbing on my tired. WTF!

So, now I have to wait to Monday to figure out what the hell to do with it. Thankfully, a church I am "interviewing" is walkable and only a few blocks away.

In the meantime, my parents are on their way driving to California from New Jersey. I'm guessing they will be here on Tuesday. That is unless they both don't kill each other. (if so, I can understand both of their reasonings.) On a side note, my brothers both told me once when we were younger that if my parents ever got divorced they would always blame it on me. But it's not my fault they got married.

OK, well it has been a good/bad day. But after being a fan of the last 4 months of Oprah, I will look into the positive outcomes of the day to pick things up. Now I get a new scratch free bumper for my car.

1 comment:

  1. well that just sucks but you are so damn funny about everything!
