About Me

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West Hollywood, California, United States
Born and raised in New Jersey by my Irish Catholic mother and Jewish father. Oy vey! I have a twin brother and a younger brother. Just moved to Los Angeles after living in Boston for the past 10 years.

07 July, 2011

"Camping" in Santa Barbara

Memorial Day weekend, my friends Chris, Blake & I took a trip up to check out Santa Barbara. It was about a 2 1/2 hour drive up the coast from Los Angeles. Our plan was to drive up and check out the beaches on the way and then find a hotel to stay at in Santa Barbara.

Santa Barbara is beautiful. After walking around and grabbing a late lunch, we then drove around looking for a hotel with a vacancy. Everywhere seemed to be sold out for the night or had a 2-3 night minimum. I used my phone to try and find a place for us to stay but no luck.

Finally, the Sand's Inn had a vacancy... but there was a catch. It was a conference room where they rolled cots in and a TV. It was a section of a much larger conference room where they used removable (not sound proof) walls to create smaller rooms. Luckily, it did have a private bathroom with a shower. The price was right and we took it.

This was as close to camping I ever want to get.

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