About Me

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West Hollywood, California, United States
Born and raised in New Jersey by my Irish Catholic mother and Jewish father. Oy vey! I have a twin brother and a younger brother. Just moved to Los Angeles after living in Boston for the past 10 years.

05 July, 2011

Foot in mouth...

Tonight I went to the taping of G4's Web Soup. As an audience member, they want you to have lots of energy. However there was a woman sitting behind me that was a little over the top. She was very boisterous and full of piss & vinegar and had clearly been to a taping before because she was explaining to another audience member of how many more segments that they were going to be taping.

I got a look of her and she wasn't what I expected. The red lipstick didn't necessarily go with the long, dried out grey hair. Just sayin'

At the end of the taping, the director thanked everyone for coming. I told him what a great time we had. Also mentioning, "The woman behind me has obviously been to a bunch of these tapings before. She was very loud". The director came back with, "She's one of the producers."


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