About Me

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West Hollywood, California, United States
Born and raised in New Jersey by my Irish Catholic mother and Jewish father. Oy vey! I have a twin brother and a younger brother. Just moved to Los Angeles after living in Boston for the past 10 years.

12 July, 2011

What's up with your colon?

Busy morning taking care of getting my car situated. My whole side of my car got keyed in Dorchester one night a week before I left Boston. I'm trying to get that touched up as well while it's at the body shop.

For my stand up class on Saturday, I have to come up with a 5 minute bit about observational humor. The comic who is famous for this is Jerry Sienfeld. "Don't you hate it when...." or "What's up with that?"

This is going to be easy because I see jackasses all around. Don't you hate it when people slam on their brakes to look at something on the side of the road?! What's up with people thinking you are holding the door open for everyone; I got places to go!

Or, what about those people on the Phillip's Colon Health commercials. Maybe the people from the depression medication commercials should try Colon Health because those people look really happy.

Oye vey!

Now I'm off to an audition for a game show at CBS.

1 comment:

  1. LMAO! you are going to do just fine in your comedy career!
